Reflection for 6th Sunday after Epiphany - Let's be honest???

“Let your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’ anything more than this comes from the evil one.” Matthew 5:37

It’s tempting to think that Jesus is the inspiration for ‘honesty is the best policy’ and all the other quotes such as ‘honesty is the first book in the book of wisdom’, ‘a half-truth is a full lie’…etc.

But is that what Jesus is really on about in Matthew’s gospel?

The Matthean Jesus is using an extreme form of hyperbole in teaching about the imperative to follow the commandments of God – the Law. Along with the extreme ‘anyone who thinks murder/hatred in their heart against someone HAS committed murder’, the hyperbole is stretched – it’s preferable to enter heaven maimed from self-mutilation by cutting off a hand, or plucking out an eye if either cause you to ‘sin’!

Matthew’s Jesus goes on to describe the ‘ancient’ belief that swearing an oath on the Lord’s name is the be and end all of oaths- that ‘noone was to swear falsely’ on the Lord’s name. Jesus wants his followers to abolish this practice by not even countenancing the idea that they might intentionally swear an oath that they don’t intend to keep! And to certainly not use the name of the Lord as a shield to hide behind!

I think this is deeper than honesty – it is about integrity – the wholeness of our being. About what is in your heart and mind being what comes out of your mouth and what action you do.

Sounds easy, but of course so much of what we think/believe may be unknown to even ourselves. So, as we approach the season of Lent once more, it might be a good time to pray and prepare for God’s loving honesty to show where our wholeness is fractured and ask for God’s healing.

